Sen. David Senjem | Facebook
Sen. David Senjem | Facebook
Minnesota Senate Republicans have passed a jobs creation bill that will benefit state residents.
The bill provides critical infrastructure provisions. The bill will include $300 million for wastewater treatment plants and $700 million for road and bridge resurfacing and inspections.
Moreover, the bill also includes $200 million in tax relief for farmers and small business owners.
“This bill is a great big compromise and an investment in the people of Minnesota,” said Capital Investment Committee Chair David Senjem (R-Rochester) in a press release. “From investments in wastewater treatment to emergency response centers to safe roads and bridges, every corner of our state will be better because of this bill and our commitment to the state.”
Additionally, funds for work on Highway 14 and the County Road 104 Interchange are also included. These funds will be used to improve the safety of the corridor. The bill also provides resources for the City of Oronoco's sewer treatment system.