Rochester, Minn. | Wikimedia Commons
Rochester, Minn. | Wikimedia Commons
The City of Rochester is making changes in the wake of COVID-19.
Rochester's Parks and Recreation Department is working to keep people out of recreational facilities and parks due to COVID-19 and the limits on group gatherings, according to KROC.
The news agency reported that the department noticed an uptick in traffic through the parks and had to place signs at playgrounds and the Silver Lake skate park that the facilities were closed, as well as removing the basketball rims from courts and padlocking the tennis and pickleball courts.
Rochester Public Transit also announced that it would reduce services due to the governor's stay-at-home order. Pubic Transit will follow holiday scheduling for the foreseeable future, according to the news agency.
The city also allowed contract users of downtown parking structures to suspend their monthly contracts for the month of April without affecting their future contract eligibility.