MorgueFile - charlesa46741
MorgueFile - charlesa46741
Almost two dozen Minnesota community solar gardens will result from recently announced agreements between the state's transportation department and two Minneapolis-based solar companies, according to a recent news release.
In two separate 25-year agreements with the Minnesota Department of Transportation, US Solar and Nokomis Partners agreed to purchase a total of 7.4 million kilowatt-hours each year from community solar gardens throughout the state, according to an Oct. 25 Department of Transportation news release.
"The Minnesota Department of Transportation is pursuing solar energy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, save money and support the health of people, the environment and our economy in Minnesota," Transportation Commissioner Margaret Anderson Kelliher said in the news release. "These community solar garden subscriptions are moving us in the right direction toward our sustainability goals."
The community solar gardens, 14 owned by US Solar and nine owned by Nokomis, will generate clean, renewable energy and provide energy savings to MnDOT in 18 counties. Six solar gardens are expected to go online early next year, according to the news release.